Past Events 2014 - 2015
His Eminence Kyabje Luding Khen Rinpoche
at Kyegu Buddhist Institute
January 3 - 4 2015
What a great and auspicious way to start off the new year 2015.
His Eminence is one of the highest, most qualified and down to earth contemporary Vajrayana masters.
We are so honoured to have Rinpoche visiting our centre from 3 - 4 January 2015.
SATURDAY 10:30 - 11:30am - 3RD JANUARY
Refuge Ceremony
This event was specially organised for those who intend to dedicate themselves on the path of
Buddhadharma - the path of wisdom and compassion. Seasoned Dharma students also joined to
renew their Refuge Vow.
SATURDAY 2:00 - 3:30pm - 3RD JANUARY
Three Longevity Deities Empowerment
For good health and wisdom
SUNDAY 10:30am - 12pm - 4TH JANUARY
Wealth Deity Dzambala Empowerment.
For prosperity and dispelling of obstacles on the Path
Many Dharma students were at KBI on these two days in January 2015 to receive precious teachings
and empowerments from a very special teacher.
**Although all our events led by Aenpo Kyabgon Rinpoche at KBI are by donation so that finances are no barrier to participation,
we have to charge this time to contribute towards the cost of bringing the master to our shore.
Special Dinner with Friends
Our final evening of entertainment, feasting and merriment was held in November 2014!!
All funds raised went to Tibetan Refugees in India.
We feasted on great vegetarian cuisine and were entertained by excellent Bollywood dancing and singing!
Vajrapani Bhutadamara with Aenpo Kyabgon Rinpoche
Vajrapani Empowerment
10:30 - 11-30 Saturday 15 Nov 2014
Vajrapani Teaching/Retreat
12:30pm - 2pm Saturday 15 Nov 2014
12:30pm - 2:30pm Sunday 16 Nov 2014
A non residential retreat and the program held at KBI.
In Vajrayana Buddhist tradition there are three principal Bodhisattvas who represent the essential
characteristics of all the Buddhas of the ten directions and three times. Manjushri represents
wisdom, Avalokiteshvara compassion and Vajrapani power. Vajrapani as caretaker and guardian of all the
Tantras is the special deity for removing the various types of obstacles that can arise during intensive practice.
Within the Sakya School in general and the Lamdre Tradition in particular, Vajrapani in the form of Bhutadamara
is the foremost practice for removing obstructions on the path of a Tantric practitioner. Bhutadamara practice
is of Anuttarayoga Tantra, the highest classification of Tantra, and it arises from the exclusive explanatory tantra
to the Hevajra called the Vajrapanjara Tantra.
This was KBI's 13 Annual Vajrapani event.
HH SAKYA TRIZIN's 69th BIRTHDAY and Group Bus Trip to the Southern Highlands
Sunday 7 September 2014
We had an enjoyable bus trip to the beautiful Southern Highlands after the Sunday morning meditation session and
the auspicious 69th Birthday celebration of His Holiness Sakya Trizin, our patron and Root Guru.
Dharmatainment - 12 July 2014
We enjoyed an enlightening film on Saturday, July 12th, the Hindi Film TAARE ZAMEEN PAR (Stars on Earth) which explores
the life and imagination of an eight-year-old boy called Ishaan.
Lojong (Mind Training) Retreat - 20-22 June 2014
Rinpoche led a Lojong (mind training) Retreat from 20 - 22 June.
The retreat was held at Yerrinbool Bahai Learning Centre in the beautiful tranquil surroundings of the Southern Highlands.
For a copy of the inspiring Lojong Retreat Booklet - including amazing verses on impermanence - please click here.
Rinpoche's Birthday Celebration - 14 June
Rinpoche's birthday was during the month of Vesak. We hosted a special celebration on 14 June.
Please click here for more information. Cost $60pp, which all goes towards costs for running the event and supporting KBI.
Vesak 2014
Friday June 13th - 5:45am - 8am
Refuge Ceremony, Precepts Ceremony, Bodhichitta Vows.
The most significant day in the Buddhist Calendar is on the (full moon) 15th of the 4th Lunar month.
It represents Buddha's Taming of the Maras, Enlightenment and Parinirvana.
If you are an aspirant Buddhist and wish to enter the path, this is the perfect day to take refuge in the
Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. It is also the perfect day for the seasoned students to renew your Refuge Vow
as well as Bodhisattva Vow. SOJONG will also be performed, where one undertakes the keeping of eight precepts
for the day, until the next sunrise (24 hours).
Any actions performed on significant days like this gets multiplied by 1,000,000.
It's a great opportunity to remind ourselves of the importance of living our lives in accordance with the
ways of compassionate wisdom of the Buddhas and start afresh. What better way to start the day with SOJONG.
Event proceedings began at 5:45 am and everyone brought and share a pure vegetarian breakfast
(no eggs and alcohol contents) after the completion of the ceremonies around 8am.
Auspicious Vesak-ing!!!
Dharma Classes - The Six Perfections - 16 March to 18 May 2014
In this course, Rinpoche gave clear explanations on the practice of each of the Perfections or Paramitas, which are:
Generosity, Ethics, Patience, Effort, Concentration and Wisdom.
Six Paramitas are the key practice that leads the practitioner to overcome suffering in this lifetime and develop happiness
that is genuine, unconditional and lasting and eventually the highest bliss - the complete Enlightenment.
What is this Mind - Know I. No Me. I Know - @ University of Technology Sydney - 3 May 2014
Aenpo Kyabgon was one of the elite Dharma teachers to participate at the Mitra Conference 2014 and Rinpoche talked about the nature of MIND.
For more information please click here
Embodying Wellbeing - Thursdays 7pm from March to May 2014
This program was a series of Thursday night sessions designed to remind our bodies how to rest deeply in order to reinvigorate our natural aliveness.
We forget the basics of wellbeing sometimes – how to stop and breathe deeply, how to rest down, how to unwind the knots of tension from the day.
It’s so simple we forget to do it. But we can’t do our best work in the world without that dedication to the ongoing practice of embodying well-being.
Led by Vasi Alvanos, a Somatic Psychotherapist and a Tibetan Buddhist practitioner who has studied with some fabulous teachers over the years, notably Robyn Speyer, (one of Australia’s most qualified Bio Dynamic Bodyworkers), Dr Julie Henderson (PhD) and Dr Tony Richardson (Somatic) Psychiatrist.
Enquiries: to Vasi at vasisomatictherapy@gmail.com or 0409922111
Living with Buddha's advice - Sunday 23 March 2014
KBI's resident teacher, Ven Loppon Ngawang Lekdup gave a DHARMA TALK on how to live a happier and more compassionate life.
Loppon is a highly qualified Tibetan teacher living in Australia. He is fun. His teachings are helpful.
Losar - Sunday 2 March 2014
Losar celebrations for the start of the year of the Wood Horse will take place on Sunday 2nd March 2014.
KBI invites all members, friends and relatives to come and share in the festivities for ‘Tibetan (Lunar) New Year at our Centre on this day.
There will be an early morning Tara Puja starting at 9.30am followed by meditation practice and a community lunch.
See you there!
Past Events Held During 2013
Meditating Well - 12:pm-1:00pm Sunday 8 December 2013
Aenpo Kyabgon Rinpoche gave teachings on the techniques of basic calm abiding (shamatha) meditation.
This was Rinpoche's last teaching for the year 2013.
Next teaching will be in February 2014.
Indispensability of meditation in 21st century - 12:00-1:00pm Sunday 1 December 2013
Aenpo Kyabgon Rinpoche gave a talk on the essence of meditation.
"Don't just sit there in one corner and pretend - Be out there and become one with the practice within".
Dinner with Friends - Celebrate H.E Luding Khenchen Rinpoche's Birthday - Saturday 16 November 2013
It was a big day for many of us who were so fortunate to have met His Eminence and receive teachings directly from HIM when
Kyegu Buddhist Institute sponsored and hosted Rinpoche's only visit to Australia in 2004.
To commemorate His Eminence's birthday, we hosted a special dinner with friends - with music, entertainment, good food and great company.
How to face challenging circumstances - 12:00-1:00pm Sunday 10 November 2013
Aenpo Kyabgon Rinpoche gave an inspiring talk on building confidence and using our own ability to overcome adverse conditions and being happy.
Dharma Talk in Coffs Harbour - Sunday 27 October 2013
Know I : Know You - 12:30-1:30pm Sunday 20 2013
Aenpo Kyabgon Rinpoche gave a brief orientation on the unique Buddhist viewpoint of INTERDEPENDENT ORIGINATION.
"Discover the beauty and connection within".
COMPASSION: Foundation of well being (Part 1) - 13 October 2013
Aenpo Kyabgon Rinpoche gave a talk on the importance of compassion in our lives. Rinpoche outlined the importance of equanimity,
reflecting on the kindness of one's mother and other close ones and how to love without attachment.
This was the first discussion on compassion in a two-part series. Dates for the second event will be forthcoming.
Dharmatainment - 12 October 2013
KBI's community thoroughly enjoyed the documentary 'Yogis Of Tibet'.
Please click here for more details.
Thank you everyone for coming.
Green Tara Puja - 13 October 2013
Green Tara Puja is a gentle yet powerful practice to overcome fear and dispel obstacles. The practice of this female Buddha is
one of the most common practices performed at all the monasteries and nunneries in Tibet.
The community joined our Sangha to be part of this wonderful Puja.
Public Talk & Guided Meditation- 21 & 22 September 2013
Aenpo Kyabgon Rinpoche gave a talk on "Living In The Teachings Of Buddha" in Coffs Harbour.
"Life is precious and we must make use of the time and opportunity we have now to fully realise its potential."
Aenpo Kyabgon Rinpoche also led a guided 'calm abiding meditation' session.
Venue: The Neighbourhood Centre in Earl St off Harbour Drive (behind the new Coles). COFFS HARBOUR
Dharmatainment at KBI - 14 September 2013
KBI's community thoroughly enjoyed this beautiful Korean Buddhist film - SPRING, SUMMER, FALL, WINTER......SPRING.
Please click here for synopsis and reviews.
Thank you everyone for coming.
This was an invitation to all our Dharma disciples and friends to join Kyegu Buddhist Institute in celebrating our Root Guru’s 69th birthday
this Friday for an hour from 8-9pm.
Aenpo Kyabgon Rinpoche: "Many of us have been very fortunate to have met His Holiness and received teachings directly from him.
Millions of Tibetans take Holiness as their Guru – they haven’t even seen him in the flesh, yet they develop a beautiful connection and
carry that blessing into their spiritual path."
At the centre, 16 Arhat Puja was performed followed by mantra chanting and long life prayers purely dedicating for Holiness’s
longevity and wellbeing on this special occasion. And of course a little cake ceremony after that.
Annual Vajrapani Retreat - 22 to 25 August 2013
Aenpo Kyabgon Rinpoche led Kyegu Buddhist Institute's 12th annual Vajrapani retreat from 22 to 25 August 2013.
This was a residential retreat, held in the beautiful Southern Highlands and organised by Palden Sakya Australia.
The retreat was sealed auspiciously with a Vajrapani Bhutadamara Peace Fire Puja. This powerful practice was performed for the
dispelling of obstacles and to enhance the Vajrapani practice of the students who take Vajrapani as his/her path.
Vajrapani Bhutadamara Sadhana Teaching - Saturdays 10 & 17 August 2013
Our teacher, Aenpo Kyabgon Rinpoche, gave penetrative instructions on how to effectively engage in this
profound practice of Vajrapani Bhutadamara.
Dharma is the source of all happiness and through the path of Dharma one is ultimately able to attain complete
enlightenment – not to mention attaining the benefits of relief and freedom from temporary stresses and difficulties in our individual lives.
The practice of Dharma, significantly, allows us to reflect upon the infinite sufferings of our once beloved mothered sentient beings.
This practice of compassion and "all inclusiveness" encourages us to engage in the practice of Dharma primarily and genuinely for the
benefit of every sentient being through which the temporary happiness that we strive to achieve is automatically gained and
transformed into a higher irreversible state of joy and peace.
Vajrapani is not only one of the swiftest and most effective obstacle dispelling deities mentioned in Sutra and
practised in the Tantric Buddhist Tradition, Vajrapani Bhutadamara is also a primary wealth (increase) deity along side
Dzambala deities and so on.
Vajrapani Bhutadamara Empowerment - Saturday 3 August 2013
Aenpo Kyabgon Rinpoche bestowed Vajrapani Bhutadamara empowerment at 3:30pm on Saturday 3 August 2013.
Amongst various Vajrapani deities, Vajrapani Bhutadamara belongs to Anutarayogatantra, the highest classification of tantra.
Vajrapani Bhutadamara is a Bodhisattva who represents the power of all the Buddhas – just as Avalokiteshvara represents
their great compassion and Manjushri their transcendental wisdom.
A Weekend with Dr Tony Richardson - Saturday 27 & Sunday 28 July 2013
Chenrezig Teaching - 20 July 2013
Chenrezig Empowerment - 13 July 2013
Mahakala Puja - 7 July 2013
Mahakala Puja was performed to dispel obstacles and dedications were made for particular people in need.
Many attended and participated. The Puja was led by Aenpo Kyabgon Rinpoche and the Sangha.
His Holiness the Dalai Lama's 78th Birthday Celebration & White Tara Puja - 6 July 2013
Celebrations for the birthday of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and a long-life White Tara Puja was led by Aenpo Kyabgon Rinpoche and the Sangha.
This was a great opportunity to celebrate the life of a great spiritual leader in modern times.
Dharma In Action In Our Modern Lives - 8 June 2013
Aenpo Kyabgon Rinpoche's Dharma talk in the Central Coast
Rinpoche gave a talk on the FOUR SEALS OF DHARMA, and explained how important it is for all of us in our practice as Buddhists.
Understanding of the Four Seals enriches our perspectives of the world and most importantly enhance loving kindness, compassion and altruism.
The event was held at the International Buddhist Cham Shan Temple of Australia, 85 Freemans Drive Morisset.
For more info on Cham Shan Temple, please click here www.chamshan.org.au. Click here for teaching photos.
Dharmatainment at KBI - 8 June 2013 - Martin Scorsese’s ‘KUNDUN’
We celebrated our Teacher Aenpo Kyabgon's birthday which coincided with our first ‘Dharmatainment’ at KBI. It was a timely opportunity to have some
fun and show the film KUNDUN as HH the Dalai Lama visits Sydney for a series of teachings, please click here for information.
"Kundun" brings to life the account of His Holiness the Dalai Lama's early life, from childhood through the Chinese invasion of Tibet and his
journey into exile.
All proceeds went towards supporting KBI so as to allow us to continue to offer our teachings without a set charge but instead by donation.
Click here for the movie night photos.
Lojong Retreat - May/June 2013
Aenpo Kyabgon Rinpoche led a weekend Lojong (mind-training) Retreat from 31 May to 2 June in the beautiful Southern Highlands.
The retreat was truly a inspiring and heart-felt occasion.
The retreat was organised by Palden Sakya, KBI's sister centre. Click here for retreat photos.
Vesak Ceremony - 25 May 2013
On the morning of 25 May 2013, KBI celebrated VESAK, the triple anniversary of Shakyamuni Buddha's Enlightenment, Taming of the Maras
and Passing into Mahaparinirvana. Proceedings began at 5:30am with the Taking of 8 Mahayana Precepts with Loppon and Lama Tsekyab.
Our teacher Aenpo Kyabgon Rinpoche unfortunately was not available to preside over the auspicious gathering as he was unwell.
As planned, a community vegetarian breakfast occurred around 8am.
Everyone enjoyed participating in the VESAK ceremony, the most special event in the Buddhist calendar, and had an auspicious time
commemorating the special day with our Sanghas and Dharma brothers and sisters at Kyegu Buddhist Institute although everyone
missed Rinpoche's presence.
Chenrezig Puja For Kyegu Quake Victims - 14 April 2013
Kyegu Buddhist Institute hosted a Chenrezig Puja to remember the lives lost and affected in Kyegu when the town was hit by a devastating earthquake
3 years ago on 14/4/2010. Kyegu Monastery, our mother monastery, was also destroyed but is now being rebuilt.
Our teacher Aenpo Kyabgon Rinpoche and the other Sanghas presided over the puja. Dedication was also made to the many lives lost and affected
during the Black Saturday bush fire in Victoria and the floods in Queensland and northern NSW.
Mahakala Puja - 10 March 2013
Kyegu Buddhist Institute hosted the full Mahakala Puja on 10 March. The puja was presided over by Aenpo Kyabgon Rinpoche. All the Sanghas
at the centre also performed the puja. Many attended and provided the names of their loved ones to dedicate the puja to.
Ten Week Mind Training Course
Ten week course on Lojong ran for 10 Saturdays from 2 March 2013 until its completion in late May 2013. The course was taught by
Aenpo Kyabgon, and Rinpoche based the teaching on the Lojong text of "7 points in mind training".
It was a terrific course that really inspired us all to practice giving love to others.
Tara empowerment - 17 Feb 2013
Aenpo Kyabgon Rinpoche bestowed Arya Tara empowerment on Sunday 17 February 2013.
The empowerment was followed by a community lunch. It was a terrific day. Thank you to all the people who turned up and made this event wonderful.
Art Exhibition travels to Coffs Harbour - 1 February to 2 March 2013
The exhibition "impermanence: expressions of Kyegu, Tibet", is a photographic record and illustrated expressions of being in Tibet and
responses to the 2010 earthquake in the region. Artist Jayne Shephard brings to life in her exhibition an extraordinary and moving account of
Tibet before and after the tragedy. Click here for the artist's statement.
His Eminence Aenpo Kyabgon participated at the opening of the exhibition and gave an introduction to Buddhist meditation
The exhibition was held at Bunker Cartoon Gallery Coffs Harbour, Click here for more information
Annual Retreat 2012
Our annual retreat was held in November 2012 in the beautiful Megalong, Blue Mountains.
Loppon Ngawang led the retreat and Lama Tenpa's company and culinary skills were enjoyed by all the retreatants.
© Kyegu Buddhist Institute Inc.