Auspicious news
His Eminence resumed bestowing the Vajrayogini Blessing and the common teachings on
Vajrayogini Sadhana.
Good News!
His Eminence Kyabje Ngor Luding Khen Rinpoche's latest test result was a good one.
Feeling positive now about the Guru's health.
We are all relieved and rejoicing at Kyegu Buddhist Institute and hope you are too to learn that
His Eminence Kyabje Ngor Luding Khen Rinpoche had a consultation with a top cardiologist at
RPAH Clinic this week and the test there has yielded a good outcome.
His Eminence does not require further procedures as of now.
Our sincere appreciation goes to everyone for their unconditional support towards His Eminence.
Dear Dharma Brothers and Sisters,
We are writing to let you know that, unfortunately, we have had to cancel the remainder of His Eminence Luding Khen Rinpoche’s program in Australia. This means His Eminence will not be giving the Vajrayogini Blessing today nor will he be undertaking the Vajrayogini Teaching program in Sydney nor will he be able to undertake the teaching program in Queensland.
The reason for this is that His Eminence has just been diagnosed with a heart condition for which he needs to take rest immediately and receive medical treatment over the coming weeks. He will be seeking further medical advice regarding the best way to ensure His Eminence’s good health.
We also wanted to let you know that His Eminence is in very good spirits and was very keen to continue with the program but has accepted our decision based on the medical advice.
Obviously, the health of our precious Guru is the most important consideration for us all and any decisions we make will have this as our guiding principle.
At this stage, depending on His Eminence’s schedule, there is the possibility that His Eminence may be in a position to give some teachings before he departs Australia. A decision on this will only be made on the basis of further medical advice and our assessment of what is in the best interests of the Guru.
We will in any case be inviting His Eminence to return to Australia at his earliest convenience to complete the teachings and empowerments.
In light of this, we will be gathering today at Kyegu Buddhist Institute at 4pm to recite long life prayers for His Eminence. We will also invite you to join us in prayer sessions at Drogmi Buddhist Institute this Saturday and Sunday from 10 to 11am.
We also ask that you, in your own practice over the coming weeks, recite mantras and undertake practices to benefit His Eminence’s health.
We will be in touch with you again shortly regarding logistics but refunds will be made available. We also invite people to consider contributing towards the costs of His Eminence’s medical treatment over the coming weeks.
We deeply regret the inconvenience this has caused for you all, especially for those of you who have travelled from interstate and overseas. We thank you for your understanding and know that you will join with us in doing all we can to ensure His Eminence has the best possible health so that he enjoys a long life and continues to turn the Wheel of Dharma for all sentient beings.
Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. We will be sending out further updates via email to keep you fully informed.
Yours in the Dharma
Kyegu Buddhist Institute and Drogmi Buddhist Institute
His Eminence Kyabje Luding Khen Rinpoche, 75th Throne Holder of the Ngor sub-sect of Sakya
Order of Tibetan Buddhist Tradititon, is one of the very few high Tantric Masters living today.
Rinpoche will bestow Chakrasamvara Empowerment and complete set of Vajrayogini
Blessings and Teachings for 14 days from
23 January - 7 February 2015.
A major empowerment of highest classification of Tantra is essential to be received prior to receiving Vajrayogini
Blessing (empowerment) and the complete set of Vajrayogini Teachings. His Eminence Kyabje Ngor Luding Khen
Rinpoche will bestow the Chakrasamvara Empowerment and Vajrayogini Blessing on the following dates
(please note Chakrasamvara is a two day event):
Friday 23 Jan 2015
4:00PM - 7:00PM
(1ST GROUP OF 25+)
Venue: Kyegu Buddhist Institute, 6 Lambs Road, Artarmon
Saturday 24 Jan 2015
4:00PM - 8:00PM
(1ST GROUP OF 25+)
Venue: Kyegu Buddhist Institute, 6 Lambs Road, Artarmon
For payments and more information, please CLICK HERE.

Sunday 25 Jan 2015
4:00PM - 7:00PM
(2ND GROUP OF 25+)
Venue: Kyegu Buddhist Institute, 6 Lambs Road, Artarmon
Monday 26 Jan 2015
4:00PM - 8:00PM
(2ND GROUP OF 25+)
Venue: Kyegu Buddhist Institute, 6 Lambs Road, Artarmon
For payments and more information, please CLICK HERE.

Thursday 29 Jan 2015
4:00PM - 7:00PM
(1st group of 25+)
Venue: Kyegu Buddhist Institute, 6 Lambs Road, Artarmon
Thursday 12 Feb 2015
4:00PM - 7:00PM
(2nd group of 25+)
Venue: DBI, 25 Dalm,ar St Croydon
For payments and more information, please CLICK HERE.
Please note, the venue for the Chakrasamvara Empowerments and the 1st Vajrayogini Blessing
is Kyegu Buddhist Institute, 6 Lambs Rd, Artarman.
The 2nd Vajrayogini Blessing will be held at DBI.
The venue for the 3 day teachings on how to do the common Vajrayogini Sadhana practice manual will be DBI.
This complete Vajrayogini event is co-hosted and organised by DBI and KBI.